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Join the SIU Credit Union Cash Mob




SIU Credit Union is collaborating with local businesses to host several cash mobs in the Southern Illinois area. Cash mobs started in the fall of 2011 as a spin off of the popular “flash mob” movement. Instead of getting people together to do a dance, blow bubbles, or do some other creative expression, cash mobs got people to “spontaneously” infuse some cash into the local economy. The idea is simple: gather a large group of people to descend on a business in a short time span, and have each person spend $10 – $20 in cash at that business.

“It’s like a cash injection for a small, independent business,” says Karli Feldhake, Marketing Director of SIU Credit Union. “Our goal is to bring the community together to support these great local businesses.”

SIU Credit Union’s first Cash Mob will take place at Cool Spoons located at 695 N. Giant City Road in Carbondale (in front of Kohl’s) on Tuesday, January 22nd from 2:00 – 9:00 PM.  The promotion plans on using social media to announce future Cash Mob locations and to collaborate with the communities, who will help to spread the word to their friends on Facebook, Twitter, and other online media outlets.

For more information and further updates on SIU Credit Union’s Cash Mob schedule follow them on Twitter @siucreditunion or visit them on Facebook at