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Budget Basics for Your College-Bound Child

As a parent, you may have thought it was your responsibility to help your college-bound child secure tuition. However, in the big picture of college finances, tuition may be the least of the worries. It’s time to talk budgets.


If your student has been relying on you for cash, don’t expect him or her to know much about bills. When planning a budget, consider:
• Room and board: Will your child be living in a dorm or off-campus? There are pros and cons to both but, in a dorm, he or she won’t have to worry about energy bills, security deposits, and setting up Wi-Fi. Be sure your child understands all the expenses involved with living in a rental.

• Food: Meals typically are provided with room and board when living on campus. However, students may not be able—or want—to eat all of their meals there.

• Fees: Science and art classes tend to have fees involved since labs and equipment are required.

• Books and supplies: Books are expensive—even used books cost a lot of money. And then there are supplies needed for class projects and everyday homework. Toner cartridges, rulers, calculators, and poster board all add up.

• Travel: Consider the cost of getting between college and home during semester breaks or when a little family time (or laundry doing) is needed.

• Entertainment: As much as you hope your student will be in class, eating, or studying, the reality involves going to concerts, movies, and various campus events—all of which cost money.
The day you drop your child off at campus will be here before you know it. Make sure that the tears you have when you drive away are happy ones, not ones filled with worry for their financial security.

We can help start the money talks with your future college student, and we have the products and services to help out at home and at school. Stop by or call today at 1-800-449-7301.