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Fraud Alert!


Phishing Emails & SMSishing Texts

This weekend, SIU Credit Union, was the quarry of a Phishing (SMSishing) Text message that was sent to individuals in the southern Illinois area. In this post you will learn more about what a Phishing Text/Email is and how to keep yourself safe.

What is Phishing?

The attempt to acquire sensitive information such as user names, passwords, and credit card details by impersonating a trustworthy entity, in anticipation of stealing your identity.

How Phishing Works?

Phishing Emails/SMSishingTexts are often sent out as spam to numerous recipients. In a Phishing email you may be requested to follow a link to a website or pop-up that appears to have the same look and feel as to the legitimate one, here, you are asked to insert personal and financial information. In a text, you are requested to send in your personal information either via text back, or by calling a phone number.

How to keep your information save.

Question everything. At SIU Credit Union, we work diligently to keep your information secure. If you receive a text that appears to be from SIU Credit Union, please give us a call at 800-449-7301 or email

If you are asked to follow a link through an email, don’t do it. Instead go to your browsers and type instead of using the link in the email. If you are unsure of the authenticity of an email, please delete it.

SIU Credit Union will NEVER solicit personal information over the internet or phone.

What to do if you DID call the number?

Call us IMMEDIATELY at 800-449-7301 so we can shut down your card and send you out a new one.