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Credit Unions Top Satisfaction Survey

Credit unions are meant to serve their members, and they are known for achieving high customer satisfaction. So it comes as no surprise that a recent study shows credit unions outperform both large, national banks and community banks in terms of customer satisfaction with online banking.

A 2009 ForeSee Results/ study of online banking gave credit unions a customer satisfaction score of 86, higher than both large banks and smaller, community banks. Why are credit union members so satisfied with their online banking? They are happier with tasks, transactions, and Web site performance, and they feel more comfortable with the privacy of their online banking.

“When it comes to personal attention, high-quality service, and low fees, credit unions continue to knock the socks off other providers in the financial services marketplace,” says CUNA President and CEO Daniel A. Mica. “Credit unions are not-for profit cooperatives, which means member service is their reason for being.”

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