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Help for Complusive Shoppers

With the holidays right around the corner, many people find their spending habits start to spiral out of control. SIU Credit Union offers Holiday Savings Accounts the help members avoid unnecessary debt by saving throughout the year.

Recent studies suggest that compulsive shopping is a growing problem because of easier access to credit cards at younger ages, the convenience of ordering online, and the availability of television shopping channels.

To prevent shopping binges:

* Pay for purchases by cash, check, or debit card.

* Make a shopping list and only buy what’s on it.

* Put financial goals in writing so you have something to “save” for.

* Get rid of department store credit cards; carry one major credit card for emergencies.

* Record every dollar you spend and your feelings about each purchase.

* Avoid discount warehouses; allocate a certain amount of cash to spend if you do shop at one.

* Avoid catalog ordering and watching TV shopping channels. * Take a walk or exercise when the urge to shop comes on.

* Find a money mentor; look for a friend or colleague who spends and saves wisely and ask for advice.

* If you feel out of control, you probably are. Seek counseling or a support group. If you are looking for some additional help with your spending habits, SIU Credit Union can help lead you in the right direction.